The Best Cashback Credit Cards
Cashback credit cards are great because they enable you to accumulate a tax-free, cash rebate that's based on the value of the purchases you have made. You can spend this cash on anything you like, but it's important to note that unless you're paying your card balance off in full each month, you may not reap the benefits that the cashback card has to offer. You can even make money from cashback cards - especially if you don't need to borrow to begin with.
Most of these services have a introductory period where you can earn as much as 5% cash back on purchases - so the more you choose to spend, the more you'll get in return. Cashback credit cards are often preferred to rewards or Airmile cards as you can see what you're getting straight away. Rather than having to figure out a complex points system, you will be able to benefit from an annual lump sum that you can use to treat yourself, gained by completing the purchased you make every day.
The great thing about cashback cards is that the offers change frequently, with newer cards offering even better cashback rates over set promotional periods. If you're struggling to decide which cash-back card is best for you, then look at where you spend your money. Some cards, for example, offer higher cash back for general spending, whereas others are tailored for those spending their money on supermarket groceries or fuel. Other services also have a monthly fee, which you should be made aware of when applying for your cashback credit card.
Cashback cards work by refunding a small percentage of each transaction you make to your account. So, if you purchase an item worth £20, and the cash back percentage on your credit card is 5%, you will only end up paying £19. As you can imagine, this adds up over the year, particularly if you use your card for buying essentials.
As with all other credit cards, you will have to do some browsing before you find the best deal. If you see a 1% cashback credit card, and your current card offers no cash-back - make sure that you have a look around at the better deals before you apply immediately. If you're making a lot of large purchases on a regular basis and plan to pay your balance in full every month, then searching for cashback offer with more than 3% on purchases will certainly be worth your time and effort.